Thursday, May 24, 2012

The hottest trends in eye-wear for spring 2012

The hottest eye wear trends for spring 2012 according to  (and we agree, by the way) are frames with graphic and apparel inspired prints and patterns; round, cat-eye or angular frames and shields; bold brow bars, leather detailing and two-toned styles.  Here are some examples.


Most of the leading designers like Armani, Gucci and Boss have styles like these in their current lines. 

What can we expect in the future of eye-wear? Our prediction is that the current king of eye-wear style, geek chic, like these frames sported by Anne Hathaway:

will give way (in a year or two) to a rounder, more retro look that is just starting to infiltrate the eye wear scene - like these frames worn by Johnny Depp: